The Adventures of the 4 Weiner Doggies is based on the true lives of Peanut, Butter, Jelly, and Honey who are residents of Las Vegas, Nevada U.S.A. Peanut, Butter, Jelly, and Honey love each other so much - every day they walk together, eat together, play together, and fall asleep together. They are inseparable little girls who are so loyal and dedicated to each other but yet are mischievous continuously! Peanut and Jelly are full sisters and Butter and Honey are half sisters. They have become lifelong sisters who enjoy each other's love and affection.  Follow their four adventures. Written by HSNB Advisory Board Member, James C. Stern.

Paired with Kitty Feral and the Case of the Marshmallow Monkey: Signed by Eddie Muller- Author and The host Turner Classic Movies Noir Alley Franchise. 

Dangerous denizens lurk around every dark corner as Kitty searches for clues in bookstores, alleyways, rooftops, and waterfronts. Who made off with the majestic Marshmallow Monkey (inspired by none other than the Maltese Falcon)? Where is the beloved Mitch the Mutt? Kitty’s got plenty of questions and not enough answers! Follow along through a tangled web of crime and intrigue as Kitty tries to solve the case.

Children's Books: The Daily Adventures of the 4 Weiner Doggies and Signed Kitty Feral by Eddie Muller

Item #106

$30 - 2 bids

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Donated By:

James C. Stern, HSNB